目前分類:歌曲 (84)

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主唱:張智成 作曲:彭學斌 填詞:彭學斌






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Girl you are to me
All that a woman should be
and I dedicate my life to you, always
A love like yours is rare
It must have been sent from up above
and I know you'll stay this way, for always

And we both know
That our love will grow
and forever it will be you and me
Ooh, You're like the sun
Chasing all the rain away
When you come around
You bring brighter days
You're the perfect one for me
and you forever will be
and I will love you so, for always

Come with me my sweet
Let's go make a family
and they will bring us joy for always
Oh boy I love you so
I can't find enough ways to let you know
But you can be sure, I'm yours, for always

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All out of love Air Supply

I am lying alone with my head on the phone
Thinking of you till it hurts
I know you hurt too, but what else can we do
Tormented and torn apart

I wish I could carry your smile in my heart
For times when my life seems so low
It could make me believe what tomorrow could bring
When today doesn't really know, doesn't really know

I'm all out of love
I'm so lost without you
I know you were right
Believing for so long
I'm all out of love
What am I without you?
I can't be too late
To say (I know) that I was so wrong

I want you to come back and carry me home
Away from these long lonely nights
I'm reaching for you, are you feeling it too
That's the feeling say oh so right

And one word you say if I call on you now
Say that I can't hold on
Where there's no easy way,
It gets harder each day
Please love me or I'll be gone, I'll be gone

Love, what are you thinking of
What are you thinking of


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作詞:李宗盛 作曲:李宗盛 編曲:李正帆

還記得年少時的夢嗎 像朵永遠不凋零的花
陪我經過那風吹雨打 看世事無常 看滄桑變化
那些為愛所付出的代價 是永遠都難忘的啊
所有真心的 癡心的話 永在我心中雖然已沒有他

走吧 走吧 人總要學著自己長大
走吧 走吧 人生難免經歷苦痛掙扎
走吧 走吧 為自己的心找一個家
也曾傷心流淚 也曾黯然心碎 這是愛的代價

也許我偶爾還是會想他 偶爾難免會惦記著他
就當他是個老朋友啊 也讓我心疼 也讓我牽掛
只是我心中不再有火花 讓往事都隨風去吧
所有真心的 癡心的話 仍在我心中雖然已沒有他

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不了情&新不了情歌詞 演唱:蔡琴

忘不了 忘不了

忘不了 忘不了


一聲聲 忘了 忘了

一聲聲 難了 難了

忘不了 忘不了


心若倦了 淚也乾了
這份深情 難捨難了
曾經擁有 天荒地老
已不見你 暮幕與朝朝

這一份情 永遠難了
愛一個人 如何廝守到老
怎樣面對一切 我不知道

緣難了 情難了

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  • Apr 09 Sat 2011 20:38
  • 密碼文章 想念

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作詞:楊立德 作曲:陳小霞 編曲:王豫民 演唱:莫文蔚

他不愛我 牽手的時候太冷清 擁抱的時候不夠靠近
他不愛我 說話的時候不認真 沈默的時候又太用心

我知道他不愛我 他的眼神 說出他的心

我看透了他的心 還有別人逗留的背影
我看到了他的心 演的全是他和她的電影
他不愛我 儘管如此 他還是贏走了我的心

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作詞:姚若龍  作曲:黃品冠 編曲:吳慶隆 演唱:品冠

每次你任性時說的一些話 你知道那有多傷人嗎
但我頂多只氣個三分鐘吧 最後依然體貼的送你回家

有時想如果我不是一直讓 你也許會懂得學著體諒
但是我完全無法硬著心腸 做得讓你有一點難過失望

總覺得有疼你的責任 要你是最快樂最單純的人
因為你讓我的心變得豐盛 原來不奢望的變成可能
總覺得有疼你的責任 讓你做最輕鬆最自然的人
我想不遮掩也是一種信任 愛的瞭解包容才算愛得完整

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作詞:Taylor Swift 作曲:Taylor Swift 演唱:Miley Cyrus

You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home

You wake up , it's raining and it's monday
Looks like one of those rough days
Time's up
You're late again, so get out the door
Sometimes to feel like running
Find a whole new life and jump in
Let go, get up and hit the dance floor
But when the lights go down
It's the ending of the show
And you're feeling like you got nowhere to go
Don't you know

You can chang your hair and you can chang your clothes
You can chang your mind, that's just the way it goes
You can say goodbye and you can say hello
But you'll always find your way back home

You can chang your style, you can chang your jeans
You can learn to fly and you can chase your dreams
You can laugh and cry but everybody knows
You'll always find your way back home

Your best friend, your little hometown
are waiting up wherever you go now
You know that you can always turn around
Cause this world is big and it's crazy
And this girl is thinking that maybe
This life is what some people dream about
Cause when I'm feeling down and I am all alone
I've always got a place where I can go
Cause I know

You can chang your hair and you can chang your clothes
You can chang your mind, that's just the way it goes
You can say goodbye, you can say hello
But you'll always find your way back home

You can chang your style, you can chang your jeans
You can learn to fly and you can chase your dreams
You can laugh and cry but everybody knows
You'll always find your way back home

Where they know exactly who you are
Where the real you is the superstar
You know it's never too far away

You can chang your hair and you can chang your clothes
You can chang your mind, that's just the way it goes
You can say goodbye and you can say hello
But you'll always find your way back

You can chang your style, you can chang your jeans
You can learn to fly and you can chase your dreams
You can laugh and cry but everybody knows
You'll always find your way back home


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If I had to live my life without you near me
The days would all be empty
The nights would seem so long
And with you I see forever oh so clearly
I might have been in love before
But it never felt this strong
Our dreams are young and we both know
They'll take us where we want to go
Hold me now, touch me now
I don't want to live without you

*Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought to know by now how much I love you
You'll only change my whole life through
Nothing's gonna change my love for you

If the road ahead is not so easy
Our love will lead a way for us
Like a guiding star
I'll be there for you if you should need me
You don't have to change a thing
I love you just the way you are
So come with me and share the view
I'll help you see forever too
Hold me now, touch me now
I don't want to live without you


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作詞:姚若龍 作曲、編曲、演唱:蕭煌奇

從很早就明白 我討厭孤單
就算是談情感 有許多麻煩
也還是很嚮往 愛的人來作伴
更心酸 更孤單

失戀過才明白 相處有多難
誰粗心誰敏感 誰體貼誰獨斷
誰說出了期盼 誰覺得是批判
當爭吵都變成冷戰也讓情感 被切斷

我只能勇敢 學習 釋然
把情人的淚還有責備 全部承擔
從不習慣 對曾經熾熱的愛情 分手就冷淡

我只能勇敢 順其 自然
誰叫我 對於真愛那麼期盼
不想要 關住了自己 安全但卻太黑暗

幸福過才明白 要永恆多夢幻
這一秒的美好 下一刻就暗淡
問再多為什麼 也不會有答案
但心裡很清楚以後有更多無解 的遺憾

我只能勇敢 學習 釋然
把離別的苦思念的酸 都看淡
人總要習慣 生命就是一站一站

我只能勇敢 順其 自然
誰叫我 寧願浪漫不要平淡
不投入盛大煙火表演 沒有危險但也不燦爛

不怕 愛情 苦樂都 極端

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  • Mar 06 Sun 2011 19:47
  • 紅豆

作詞:林夕 作曲:柳重言 編曲:Alex San 演唱:王菲

還沒好好的感受 雪花綻放的氣候
我們一起顫抖 會更明白 甚麼是溫柔
還沒跟你牽著手 走過荒蕪的沙丘
可能從此以後 學會珍惜 天長和地久

有時候 有時候 我會相信一切有盡頭
相聚離開 都有時候 沒有甚麼會永垂不朽
可是我 有時候 寧願選擇留戀不放手
等到風景都看透 也許你會陪我 看細水長流

還沒為你把紅豆 熬成纏綿的傷口
然後一起分享 會更明白 相思的哀愁

還沒好好的感受 醒著親吻的溫柔
可能在我左右 你才追求 孤獨的自由

有時候 有時候 我會相信一切有盡頭
相聚離開 都有時候 沒有甚麼會永垂不朽
可是我 有時候 寧願選擇留戀不放手
等到風景都看透 也許你會陪我 看細水長流

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作詞:何俊明 作曲:何俊明 演唱:Bii

和你相約在這裡 有些事想說明
我的決定 你卻不願意聽
我知道你想逃避 不想問不想聽
這段感情 已經快要暫停

聽我說從今後 我會一個人生活
沒有我的時候 你要一個人好好過

在我轉身之後 你卻又抱著我
在放手以後 不再擁有彼此的溫柔
在我轉身之後 你的淚不停流
雖然心很痛 卻只能說
分開以後 我就要遠走

我知道你想逃避 不想問不想聽
這段感情 已經快要暫停

聽我說從今後 我會一個人生活
沒有我的時候 你要一個人好好過

在我轉身之後 你卻又抱著我
在放手以後 不再擁有彼此的溫柔
在我轉身之後 你的淚不停流
雖然心很痛 卻只能說
分開以後 我就要遠走

資料來源:Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網

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作詞:姚若龍 作曲:宇恆 演唱:梁靜茹

在東京鐵塔 第一次眺望
看燈火模仿 墜落的星光
我終於到達 但卻更悲傷
一個人完成 我們的夢想

你總說 時間還很多 你可以等我
以前我不懂得 未必明天 就有以後

想念是會呼吸的痛 它活在我身上所有角落
哼你愛的歌會痛 看你的信會痛 連沈默也痛

遺憾是會呼吸的痛 它流在血液中來回滾動
後悔不貼心會痛 恨不懂你會痛 想見不能見最痛

沒看你臉上 張揚過哀傷
那是種多麼 寂寞的倔強
你拆了城牆 讓我去流浪
在原地等我 把自己捆綁

你沒說 你也會軟弱 需要倚賴我
我就裝不曉得 自由移動 自我地過

我發誓不再說謊了 多愛你就會抱你多緊的
我的微笑都假了 靈魂像飄浮著 你在就好了

我發誓不讓你等候 陪你做想做的無論什麼
我越來越像貝殼 怕心被人觸碰 你回來那就好了


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  • Jan 05 Wed 2011 23:27
  • 勇氣

作詞:瑞業 作曲:光良 演唱:梁靜茹

終於作了這個決定 別人怎麼說我不理
愛真的需要勇氣 來面對流言蜚語
只要你一個眼神肯定 我的愛就有意義
我們都需要勇氣 去相信會在一起

放在我手心裡 你的真心

我雖然心太急 更害怕錯過你

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No more champagne
and the fireworks are through
here we are, me and you
feeling lost and feeling blue
it's the end of the party
and the morning seems so grey
so unlike yesterday
now's the time for us to say...
happy new year
happy new year
may we all have a vision now and then
of a world where every neighbour is a friend
happy new year
happy new year
may we all have our hopes, our will to try
if we don't we might as well lay down and die
you and I
sometimes I see
how the brave new world arrives
and I see how it thrives
in the ashes of our lives
oh yes, man is a fool
and he thinks he'll be okay
dragging on, feet of clay
never knowing he's astray
keeps on going anyway...
happy new year
happy new year
may we all have a vision now and then
of a world where every neighbour is a friend
happy new year
happy new year
may we all have our hopes, our will to try
if we don't we might as well lay down and die
you and I
seems to me now
that the dreams we had before
are all dead, nothing more
than confetti on the floor
it's the end of a decade
in another ten years time
who can say what we'll find
what lies waiting down the line
in the end of eighty-nine...
happy new year
happy new year
may we all have a vision now and then
of a world where every neighbour is a friend
happy new year
happy new year
may we all have our hopes, our will to try
if we don't we might as well lay down and die
you and I

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